Contact Us

We will reply you within 24 hours after we receive your email on business day

If you have any problem with the quality of our product

Please wait for our email response patiently and we will solve the product quality problem of each customer

If the product cannot be repaired, we will compensate you for all losses

If you feel that our product meet your wishes

Please leave a five-star review for this product

If you kindly help us finish this

Please send us the screenshot of the comments and the order number of the product to our email address

We will send you a special gift.(This will be valid within 15 days after you place your order)

Contact email as follows:

Please tell us the Amazon order number in the email if you want to consult some after-sales problems.

Wenn Sie das After-Sales-Problem des Produkts konsultieren möchten, teilen Sie uns bitte die Bestellnummer in der E-Mail mit.

Se desideri contattarci per usufruire del servizio post-vendita i merito alle problematiche del prodotto, assicurati di comunicarci il numero dell’ordine nell’e-mail.

Al consultar preguntas sobre el producto con nosotros, por favor, escriba el número de pedido en el correo.

Si vous avez des questions avec le produit, veuillez nous donner le numéro de commande par email.
